人体 七十二 通, 舒筋活络丹 Pembukaan 72 Saluran Darah Badan Manusia

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人体 七十二 通, 舒筋活络丹

成份: 欧洲柑果萃取物

好处: 舒筋, 通脉, 掃除血栓, 软化血管, 平衡血糖, 排除血管垃圾, 清除尿酸

专治: 腰酸背痛, 颈项酸痛, 减内脏脂肪, 肥胖者, 解决三高问题, 中風, 心脏阻塞。

成人 : 每次 1 粒, 每天 3 次
或 每次 2 粒, 每天 2 次

30 天后可参考自身的验血报告
改善血管弹性 +50%
增加好胆固醇 +40%
甘油三酯降低 - 40%
坏胆固醇降低 - 36%
总胆固醇降低 - 30%
降  低  血  糖   - 22%
013-8088 333 沈順風

90 粒 RM 330

Pembukaan 72 Saluran Darah Badan Manusia

Bahan-Bahan: Ekstrak Buah Jeruk Eropah

Faedah: Mengendurkan Otot, Membuka Saluran Nadi, Penyingkiran Trombus, Melembutkan Saluran Darah, Seimbangkan Gula Dalam Darah, Menghapuskan Sisa Vaskular, Menghapuskan Urik Asid. 

Khas untuk merawat : Sakit belakang, sakit leher, Kurangkan lemak viseral, gemuk, Menyelesaikan hipertensi, kolesterol yang tinggi, kandungan darah yang tinggi,  strok, penyumbatan jantung. 

Dewasa: 1 kapsul setiap kali, 3 kali sehari
atau 2 kapsul setiap kali, 2 kali sehari
Sebaiknya diambil sebelum makan

Selepas 30 hari, rujuk ujian darah sendiri. 

Meningkatkan keanjalan saluran darah lebih kurang 50%

Meningkatkan kolesterol yang baik lebih kurang 40%

Pengurangan Trigliserida sebanyak 40%

Menurunkan kolesterol yang buruk sebanyak 36%

Pengurangan jumlah kolesterol sebanyak 30%

Turunkan gula dalam darah sebanyak 22%

013-8088 333 Jackson

90 Biji RM 330

Opening 72 Blood Vessels of the Human Body

Ingredients: European Citrus Fruit Extract

Benefits: Relaxes Muscles, Opens Arteries, Thrombus Removal, Softens Blood Vessels, Balances Blood Sugar, Eliminates Vascular Waste, Eliminates Uric Acid.

Special to treat: Back pain, neck pain, Reduce visceral fat, obesity, Resolve hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood content, stroke, heart blockage.

Adults: 1 capsule each time, 3 times a day or 2 capsules each time, 2 times a day
It is best taken before meals

After 30 days, consult your own blood test.

Increases the elasticity of blood vessels by about 50%

Increases good cholesterol by about 40%

40% Triglyceride Reduction

Lowers bad cholesterol by 36%

30% reduction in total cholesterol

Lower blood sugar by 22%

013-8088 333 Jackson

90 Seeds RM 330

Delivery Methods

  • Free Delivery 

Payment Methods

  • Pay with FPX, Credit/ Debit Card, E-wallet
  • Manual Bank Transfer (Send to our WhatsApp) 

Return & Refund Policy

Water I Love You Sdn Bhd 1338895-M reserves the right to modify the policy at any time without prior notice. Please ensure that you have read through our terms & conditions to avoid any misunderstandings. 

We strictly do not allow refunds or exchanges for: Change of mind / interest Errors you have made in your order It is the responsibility of customers who purchase our products to check the quantity and quality of their delivered order upon receiving it from our third-party logistics provider. 

Any discrepancies should be reported within 5 working days from the date of delivery. 

We will only allow refunds for: 

Delivery Discrepancies
Failure of our third-party logistics partner to fulfil the order

Order is not delivered as per scheduled delivery date Order is cancelled due to extenuating factors from Water I Love You Sdn Bhd 1338895-M (e.g. peak periods)

Incorrect Order Quantity
There are missing items in the order We will only allow exchanges for: Delivery Discrepancies Wrong product(s) delivered Your order will be delivered to you by Water I Love You Sdn Bhd 1338895-M . 

Delivery in Malaysia.
Please allow Seven (7) working days for delivery from date of Water I Love You Sdn Bhd 1338895-M Confirmation of Order.

Please note that we will not accept any delivery to a P.O. Box address and it might not be possible for delivery to some locations within the aforesaid areas in certain circumstances. 

Should delivery to some locations is not possible, we shall contact you to arrange for delivery to an alternative address. 

Kindly drop us an email ( wateriloveu@gmail.com ) & attach clear snapshots of the hard copy invoice & all products received. We will arrange a courier to retrieve the order at your convenient date & time after we have verified your case. 

Note: You will be required to return the goods in the same condition as delivered to you. We will not accept returned goods that show any signs of usage or damage. 

Delivery of Defective Products
Product received is of unsatisfactory quality / has a manufacturing defect 

Kindly drop us an email ( wateriloveu@gmail.com ) & attach clear snapshots of hard copy invoice, nature of defect & product batch code. 

Note: You will be required to return the goods by depositing the defective product to our address : No. 1342 F, Jalan Bayor Bukit 8, Tabuan Jaya 93300 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia . We will not accept returned goods that are almost empty. If you are unable to return the goods (empty or already thrown out), no product exchange will be rendered.